FREE SHIPPING in the Cont. US & Canada FREE Travel Spray Duo (Value $78) on $90+ Choose 3 Free Samples on $65+ Complimentary Returns FREE SHIPPING in the Cont. US & Canada FREE Travel Spray Duo (Value $78) on $90+ Choose 3 Free Samples on $65+ Complimentary Returns FREE SHIPPING in the Cont. US & Canada FREE Travel Spray Duo (Value $78) on $90+ Choose 3 Free Samples on $65+ Complimentary Returns FREE SHIPPING in the Cont. US & Canada FREE Travel Spray Duo (Value $78) on $90+ Choose 3 Free Samples on $65+ Complimentary Returns


Michel Germain Parfums cares about your health and the health of the environment. We have made choices with the intent of minimizing our environmental imprint and choosing positive alternatives as new environmentally sound developments become available. We are committed to continually grow in our knowledge and seek additional environmentally responsible options as they are developed.

The following are some, but not all of our initiatives:

  • Giving Back: Saving the Bees - we donate to the Honey Bee Research Centre at the University of Guelph in order to further their research on bee pollination
  • Eliminating cellophane-wrapped boxes. This reduces the amount of waste per product created.
  • Recyclable packaging – our shipping boxes, product packages, bottles, and other containers are recyclable. We encourage customers to recycle their products and packaging once they are done using them.
  • Reusable packaging – Some of our fragrance boxes are made with the intention they can be reused as decorative storage containers for small items such as jewelry, cosmetics, e.t.c..
  • Our purse and travel sprays are refillable. (To refill: Untwist top, spray fragrance from the larger Séxūal fragrance into the purse or travel spray.)
  • E-commerce promise – In our past history and continuing forward, we have and promise to continue to refine our packages and shipments to reduce the amount of waste and emissions caused by shipping.
  • We continually update and maintain our equipment, transportation vehicles, and our warehouses so the equipment runs in a clean and efficient manner, reducing environmental impact and optimizing safety wherever possible.

We aim to source our ingredients responsibly and sustainably, choosing environmentally responsible partners and sources in our supply chain including, but not limited to:

  • Using solar power where possible.
  • Responsible sourcing of fragrance oils and supporting farmers and harvesters.
  • Lessening the environmental footprint by reducing energy, water, and waste in production of our fragrance oils.
  • We continue to learn about environmental impact, environmentally friendly options, and remain committed to add ethical and environmentally friendly partners in our supply chain.

Note: We are Leaping Bunny Certified as a cruelty free company and do not test on animals.

Find the perfect scent for you or a gift for someone special

Find the perfect scent for you or a gift for someone special