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Secrets to Keeping Your Relationship Strong

Relationships are funny things. They ebb and flow like the tides of the ocean. Sometimes you're on a great high, sometimes you're on the low side. That is natural. So what is one way you can help keep the relationship on a high for the most part? In one sexual perfume survey, we asked 20 long-time partners what kept them interested in each other. Their answer was so simple it even surprised us! They found their partners very interesting to be with.

One way to be interesting is to plan dates that are fun, adventurous, entertaining... No matter how old or young your relationship. Give yourself ten minutes to brainstorm some of the best places to go and activities to do. They don't have to be complicated, pricey ideas, just interesting.

We have brainstormed some ideas to get you started:
Find out if there are any old-fashioned drive-in theaters in your area and take your partner there.

Plan a tour of your city, highlighting little known places and stopping for lunch at a sandwich shop that serves gourmet sandwiches.

Bring her/him tobogganing in the winter; snorkeling in the summer.
Go on a wine tour, travelling the nearest wine country in your area. How romantic.

Plan a picnic. Anywhere from in your backyard to the local national park.

What are your ideas to spend some interesting time with your special someone?

Find the perfect scent for you or a gift for someone special

Find the perfect scent for you or a gift for someone special